How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight - 3 Strategies For Weight Loss Success!

Wondering how to get motivated to lose weight? If you've jumped on - and off - the diet bandwagon multiple times, you're probably pretty demotivated and tired.
It's frustrating when something doesn't work - especially something as personal as weight loss. There's nothing more heartbreaking than doing everything you know that is "right" and then seeing no progress on the scale.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
If you're stuck in a weight loss rut - or you just need some major weight loss motivation, here are 3 simple strategies for you.
Try one or try all three to get jumpstarted towards your goals for the new year:
#1. Try Something Completely New
One of the big mistakes people make when they try yet-another-weight-loss plan is that they look at their past history.
Maybe they lost weight with a certain diet once - so they go back to it (even though the other 3 times they tried it, it didn't work). After all, it's familiar. You know how it works - and it did work for you, once.
But that is one of the most demotivating things you can do. There's nothing exciting in going back to old ways. It's actually pretty depressing if you think about it.
It's like going back to an old boyfriend - one that you left several times before. It' may be safe - but it's not exciting at all - and then you wonder why you're just not motivated to lose weight.
Solution? Try something completely new. Whether it's a new meal delivery service, a brand new diet you've never heard of before or just a new way to exercise - do something completely different and out of the box.
We're all motivated by new things - new places to vacation, new visits, new significant others, even a new paint color for the bedroom. It's the same with dieting as well.
So forget the old diets and go for a completely different or new weight loss plan you've never tried before.
#2. Take Action
If you've ever read a Tony Robbins book - the master of motivation - you'll know that the one major thing he advocates is taking massive action towards your goals.
By taking action, you are moving forward and the motivation will suddenly start to build inside of you. You've probably already experienced this with other things - like a work project or even exercise.
Before you start, you really don't feel like doing anything. But once you push yourself to take the first step, then another, then another - you start to actually get excited about where you're going. You start to feel motivated and much better about yourself. You start to get excited.
So in keeping with the first idea above: find something you've never tried before and then start taking action TODAY towards it.
Whatever that means for you - it could be ordering that new diet book, starting a diet journal, buying that new piece of calorie-burning fitness equipment, whatever. Just start taking action and the weight loss motivation will come with those first steps.
#3. Resolve To Be Your Own Biggest Fan
We are absolutely the WORST at this. In fact we do the opposite. We look in the mirror and put ourselves down.
We think "there's no point in trying, I can't lose weight". It's like we don't need anyone to demotivate us - we are doing it ourselves - all the time.
Being down on yourself is the worst thing you can do - and it completely defeats you before you begin.
But resolving to be your own biggest fan actually revs up the weight loss motivation. When you talk to yourself with encouragement and positive self-love, you start to open up and think "Maybe it's possible. I can do this."
Then follow this up with action (remember #2 above?) What are these actions that say you are your own biggest fan?
Well, it really depends on you. For example, it might mean wearing clothes that fit you well when going out. So you don't spend the whole night in too-tight clothes that make you self-conscious (and want to eat for comfort).
Or maybe it's putting together an image board of svelte people that you want to look like (just be careful because for some people that may just be an excuse to beat themselves up).
It might be putting up inspirational sayings all over your house.
It might be trying a diet that has online support so that you get positive texts or emails every day that keep you on track.
By resolving to be your biggest fan, you'll come up with small new ways every day that specifically motivate you to lose weight.
So those are some specific ideas on how to get motivated to lose weight.
Remember that trying something completely new, taking action and resolving to be your own biggest fan are things that only YOU can do - but they will get you to your weight loss goals in no time!
Karen Johnston writes for Weight Loss Meal Delivery Reviews a site that lists nationwide diet delivery services by price, success rate, food quality and more.
For more ideas on losing weight check out her blog here.

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How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight - 3 Strategies For Weight Loss Success! How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight - 3 Strategies For Weight Loss Success! Reviewed by Unknown on 11:13:00 PM Rating: 5

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